Alex Juel, Adam Engels, Andre M., Andrew Elmore, Brett Martin, Brian Riggsbee, Chris Modica, Christian Hammond, Cole Marshall, Darren Hupke, David Lasby, David Teixeira, Fabien Sanglard, George J. S. Smith, Heather Anne Campbell, Ian Southwell, John Riggs, Jonathan Leung, Kurt Kalata, Matt (Stormageddon), Max Nichols, Mike Sholars, Peter Tieryas, Rod Lloyd, Salvatore Pane, Stephen Frost, Tegan, Travis Nicholas, VGCartography
In video games, maps have always played a crucial role, serving as guide, world builder, and interactive element. A single image can add incredible depth to the story and lore of a digital universe.
With Video Game Maps: SNES - Vol. 2, experience the beauty, creativity, and wonder of some of the most iconic Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Famicom maps. From the farmlands of Harvest Moon to the dual worlds of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, this book showcases the stunning artwork that captured the imagination of gamers around the world. Discover hidden secrets and intricate details within the maps, and marvel at the art styles and design choices that brought these virtual worlds to life.
Inside you’ll find maps spanning over 65 games — including Japanese exclusives — that originated from posters, instruction manuals, advertisements, magazines, and so much more. Plus, quotes from 30 artists, writers, game developers, podcasters, comedians, and journalists.
Perfect for both casual gamers and art aficionados, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in the artistic side of video game design and cartography.
English | Hardcover | 9781966009016 | 2024 | 300 |
Video Game Maps: SNES - Vol. 2
Authors: #AlexJuel #AdamEngels #AndreM #AndrewElmore #BrettMartin #BrianRiggsbee #ChrisModica #ChristianHammond #ColeMarshall #DarrenHupke #DavidLasby #DavidTeixeira #FabienSanglard #GeorgeJSSmith #HeatherAnneCampbell #IanSouthwell #JohnRiggs #JonathanLeung #KurtKalata #MattStormageddon #MaxNichols #MikeSholars #PeterTieryas #RodLloyd #SalvatorePane #StephenFrost #Tegan #TravisNicholas #VGCartography
Publishers: #RetroGameBooks (Retro Game Books)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2024
Genres: #Compendium
#Nintendo (Nintendo)
Public Figures:
#FireEmblem (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)
#Firestriker (Firestriker)
#GloryOfHeracles (Glory of Heracles IV: Gift from the Gods)
#GoofTroop (Goof Troop)
#GP1 (GP-1, GP-1 Part II)
#Gunple (Gunple: Gunman's Proof)
#HarvestMoon (Harvest Moon)
#Hook (Hook)
#IllusionOfGaia (Illusion of Gaia)
#JoeAndMac (Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja, Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics)
#JurassicPark (Jurassic Park)
#KingArthurAndTheKnightsOfJustice (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice)
#Kirby (Kirby's Dream Course, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Land 3)
#KylePettysNoFearRacing (Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing)
#Lagoon (Lagoon)
#Goemon (The Legend of the Mystical Ninja)
#LibertyOrDeath (Liberty or Death)
#TheLionKing (The Lion King)
#Lufia (Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals)
#MagicSword (Magic Sword)
#MakaMaka (Maka Maka)
#Mario (Mario Is Missing!)
#MauiMallardInColdShadow (Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow)
#MegaMan (Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3)
#MelfandStories (Melfand Stories)
#MetalMax (Metal Max Returns)
#MetalWarriors (Metal Warriors)
#TheMagicalQuest (The Magical Quest: Starring Mickey Mouse, Disney's Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald)
#MickeysUltimateChallenge (Mickey's Ultimate Challenge)
#TheGreatCircusMystery (The Great Circus Mystery: Starring Mickey & Minnie)
#MonsterMakerKids (Monster Maker Kids: Ousama ni Naritai)
#MysticArk (Mystic Ark)
#NangokuShounenPapuwaKun (Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun)
#NiceDeShot (Nice de Shot)
#Obitus (Obitus)
#Ogre (Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen)
#OutOfThisWorld (Out of This World)
#PaladinsQuest (Paladin's Quest)
#Phantom2040 (Phantom 2040)
#Pilotwings (Pilotwings)
#Plok (Plok!)
#PockyAndRocky (Pocky & Rocky 2)
#PopfulMail (Popful Mail)
#RecordOfLodossWar (Record of Lodoss War)
#RiseOfThePhoenix (Rise of the Phoenix)
#Robotrek (Robotrek)
#RockNRollRacing (Rock n' Roll Racing)
#RomancingSaGa (Romancing SaGa, Romancing SaGa 2, Romancing SaGa 3)
#SamuraiShodown (Samurai Shodown)
#SecretOfEvermore (Secret of Evermore)
#TheFlintstones (The Flintstones, The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock)
#TheKingOfDragons (The King of Dragons)
#TheLordOfTheRings (J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I)
#TheLostVikings (The Lost Vikings, The Lost Vikings 2)
#TheMask (The Mask)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
#SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System, SNES, Super Famicom)