Daniel Loyall, Greg S-C, Matthew Barnes
Not all games are released equal. The barriers of language and culture can leave our world divided, and this includes the video games that we get the chance to play. Matt Barnes, Dazz Brown and Greg S-C of DidYouKnowGaming? created the YouTube series Region Locked to give people an insight into the weird and wonderful titles that never left their home countries, and now they bring their expertise to you in this book.
Encounter masterpieces you never knew existed from your favourite series and developers, as well as some utterly bizarre creations that seem so outlandish you might wonder how on earth they were released in the first place. The authors explore what it's like to play these games and investigate the fascinating characters behind them to discover why such remarkable creations never enjoyed international exposure.
The book covers games from all eras and a variety of platforms so there’s sure to be something to pique the interest of everyone, from casual gamers to hardcore fans.
English | Hardcover | | 9781783529261 | 2022 | 224 |
English | eBook | | N/A | 2021 | 224 |
Authors: #MatthewBarnes #DanielLoyall #GregSC
Publishers: #Unbound (Unbound)
Languages: #English
Format: #eBook #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: #GeneralHistory #GlobalPerspective
Public Figures:
#AlteredBeast (Altered Beast [2005])
#BahamutLagoon (Bahamut Lagoon)
#BattleGolferYui (Battle Golfer Yui)
#BionicGranny (Bionic Granny)
#Bomberman (Bomberman Hardball)
#BushiSeiryudenFutarinoYusha (Bushi Seiryuden: Futari no Yusha [Bushi 青龍伝 二人の勇者]) #CaptainRainbow (Captain Rainbow) #Cheesy (Cheesy) #CowboyBebop (Cowboy Bebop) #CrimeCrackers (Crime Crackers) #DokiDokiMajoShinpan (Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! [どきどき魔女神判]) #DoorDoor (Door Door) #EXTroopers (E.X. Troopers) #EvilTwinCypriensChronicles (Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles) #FatalFrame (Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse) #GunpleGunmansProof (Gunple: Gunman's Proof) #HolyDiver (Holy Diver) #HolyUmbrella (Holy Umbrella) #Kaena (Kaena) #KiraKiraStarNightDX (Kira Kira Star Night DX) #Klonoa (Klonoa Beach Volleyball) #LiveALive (Live A Live) #LSDDreamEmulator (LSD: Dream Emulator) #Mario (Mario & Wario) #MarvelousAnotherTreasureIsland (Marvelous: Another Treasure Island) #TheMysteriousMurasameCastle (The Mysterious Murasame Castle) #NamcoxCapcom (Namco x Capcom) #Panekit (Panekit) #Pingu (Pingu) #Pokémon (Pokémon: The Trading Card Game 2) #Policenauts (Policenauts) #Rakugakids (Rakugakids) #RealSoundKazeNoRegret (Real Sound: Kaze No Regret) #Seaman (Seaman) #Segagaga (Segagaga) #Suikoden (Gensō Suikogaiden Vol.1 Harumonia no Kenshi, Gensō Suikogaiden Vol.2 Kurisutaru Barē no Kettō, Gensō Suikoden Card Stories, Gensō Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki) #SuperBackToTheFuture (Super Back To The Future) #SuperGaldelicHour (Super Galdelic Hour) #SweetHome (Sweet Home) #TalesofDestiny (Tales of Destiny 2) #Terranigma (Terranigma) #TheAdventuresofLittleRalph (The Adventures of Little Ralph) #TheFiremen (The Firemen) #TheGreatSpaceRace (The Great Space Race) #Tobal (Tobal 2) #TwinCaliber (Twin Caliber) #ValkyriaChronicles (Valkyria Chronicles III) #VibRipple (Vib-Ripple) #WonderProjectJMachineBoyPino (Wonder Project J: Machine Boy Pino) #Zelda (BS The Legend of Zelda)
#Dendy (Dendy)