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Support The Project

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The Video Game Library is 100% non-profit, and made up solely of volunteers who are striving to create a free global resource for everyone. If you've enjoyed the site, and are looking to support the project, please consider donating to help cover the site fees. 

A very special thanks goes out to all the supporters so far. You're all amazing! 

Gold Supporters

  • Andrew Schartmann

  • Dylan Charles

Silver Supporters

  • Joel Boyce

  • Malintent

  • Scotty B.

  • Skyevlyn

  • Travis

  • Wizard

Bronze Supporters

  • Adam Hartling

  • Burgerchamp

  • Caleb J. Ross

  • Constantin

  • CoolAnimeHustler

  • Darren Hupke

  • Derek E (dege13)

  • Ernest G. Kim

  • FermionAce

  • From Tetsujin on Homecoming

  • Jason Hawreliak

  • Lucas

  • Party Advisor (Andre)

  • Poppy Wilde

  • Steve Bromley

  • Tatton

  • Yannick Rochat

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