Marc Saltzman
Throughout the book, Marc Saltzman chats with more than 150 of the world's most-connected, top-notch game designers about how to create stellar games and break into the business today. Topics covered include creating games for the new generation platforms such as X-Box, Playstation 2, and GameCube - including online console game design tips and techniques. Massively multiplayer computer games, PDAs, and cell phone game development are also addressed. Saltzman discusses in detail the business side of the game industry, and the pros and cons of working with well-known franchises. Additionally, readers learn how to successfully sell their own shareware via the internet and how to produce PR and marketing on a shoestring. There is also a section on game design schools and courses, plus key conventions, organizations, and publications. Finally, readers find dozens of rare, never-before-seen sketches, storyboards, 3D renders, and documents. This in-depth reference is a "must read" for anyone in the game industry.
English | Paperback | First Edition | 9781575952572 | 1999 | 457 |
English | Paperback | Second Edition | ​9781566869874 | 2000 | 454 |
English | Paperback | Third Edition | 9781575955551 | 2001 | TBD |
English | Paperback | Fourth Edition | 9781575956732 | 2002 | TBD |
Authors: #MarcSaltzman
Publishers: #BradyGames (Brady Games)
Languages: #English
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: #GameDesign #Industry #Interviews
Public Figures:
#AdamKahn (Adam Kahn)
#AdamLevesque (Adam Levesque)
#AlLowe (Al Lowe)
#AlanPatmore (Alan Patmore)
#AlexGarden (Alex Garden)
#AlexeyPajitnov (Alexey Pajitnov)
#BarryDorf (Barry Dorf)
#BillLinn (Bill Linn)
#BillRoper (Bill Roper)
#BobbyPrince (Bobby Prince)
#BradCrow (Brad Crow)
#BradMcQuaid (Brad McQuaid)
#BrandonSmith (Brandon Smith)
#BrianReynolds (Brian Reynolds)
#BruceCShelley (Bruce C. Shelley)
#BryanHoning (Bryan Honing)
#BryceCochrane (Bryce Cochrane)
#CarlSchnurr (Carl Schnurr)
#CarolCaracciolo (Carol Caracciolo)
#ChanceThomas (Chance Thomas)
#CharlesGough (Charles Gough)
#ChrisRippy (Chris Rippy)
#ChrisSawyer (Chris Sawyer)
#ChrisSivertsen (Chris Sivertsen)
#ChrisTaylor (Chris Taylor)
#DanielThron (Daniel Thron)
#DaveKirsch (Dave "Zoid" Kirsch)
#DavidCage (David Cage)
#DavidPerry (David Perry)
#DavidWalls (David Walls)
#DougLombardi (Doug Lombardi)
#EllenMeijersGabriel (Ellen Meijers-Gabriel)
#EmmanuelValdez (Emmanuel Valdez)
#EvanHirsch (Evan Hirsch)
#FranzLanzinger (Franz Lanzinger)
#GabeNewell (Gabe Newell)
#GenevieveOstergard (Genevieve Ostergard)
#GeoffKirk (Geoff Kirk)
#GeorgeSanger (George "The Fat Man" Sanger)
#GonzoSuarez (Gonzo Suarez)
#GregStreet (Greg Street)
#GregThomas (Greg Thomas)
#GregZeschuk (Greg Zeschuk)
#HarryAMiller (Harry A. Miller)
#HarryGottlieb (Harry Gottlieb) #HironobuSakaguchi (Hironobu Sakaguchi)
#HubertChardot (Hubert Chardot)
#JaneJensen (Jane Jensen)
#JasonChu (Jason Chu)
#JasonHughes (Jason Hughes)
#JasonRubin (Jason Rubin)
#JayStelly (Jay Stelly)
#JayWilson (Jay Wilson)
#JeanFrancoisMalouin (Jean-Francois Malouin)
#JeaneWong (Jeane Wong)
#JeffVogel (Jeff Vogel)
#JimCharne (Jim Charne)
#JoeKoberstein (Joe Koberstein)
#JoeSelinske (Joe Selinske)
#JoelThomas (Joel Thomas)
#JohnRomero (John Romero)
#JonZuk (Jon Zuk)
#JonasStewart (Jonas Stewart)
#JordanMechner (Jordan Mechner)
#JoshResnick (Josh Resnick)
#JoshuaStaub (Joshua Staub)
#KevinCloud (Kevin Cloud)
#KevinSchilder (Kevin Schilder)
#KurtPfeifer (Kurt Pfeifer)
#LouisCastle (Louis Castle)
#MaartenKraaijvanger (Maarten Kraaijvanger)
#MarcLaidlaw (Marc Laidlaw)
#MarcLeBlanc (Marc LeBlanc)
#MarioGrimani (Mario Grimani)
#MarkDickenson (Mark Dickenson)
#MarkLinn (Mark Linn)
#MartyODonnell (Marty O'Donnell)
#MattHouseholder (Matt Householder)
#MattPritchard (Matt Pritchard)
#MatthewDAndria (Matthew D'Andria)
#MatthewLeeJohnston (Matthew Lee Johnston)
#MelanieCambron (Melanie Cambron)
#MichaelButtner (Michael Buttner)
#MichaelDMcGrath (Michael D. McGrath)
#MichaelKelly (Michael Kelly)
#MichaelLand (Michael Land)
#MichaelMcCart (Michael McCart)
#MichaelMeyers (Michael Meyers)
#MichaelRubinelli (Michael Rubinelli)
#MichaelSaladino (Michael Saladino)
#MikeNichols (Mike Nichols)
#MikeNicholson (Mike Nicholson)
#MikeWilson (Mike Wilson)
#MitziMcGilvray (Mitzi McGilvray)
#NickCorea (Nick Corea)
#OrlandoGuzman (Orlando Guzman)
#PaulJaquays (Paul Jaquays)
#PaulOConnor (Paul O'Connor)
#PeterHirschmann (Peter Hirschmann)
#PeterMolyneux (Peter Molyneux)
#PhilSteinmeyer (Phil Steinmeyer)
#RandySmith (Randy Smith)
#RayMuzyka (Ray Muzyka)
#RichardGarriott (Richard "Lord British" Garriott)
#RichardBailyGray (Richard Baily Gray (The Levelord))
#RichardMoe (Richard Moe)
#RickGoodman (Rick Goodman)
#RickVandervoorn (Rick Vandervoorn)
#RobPardo (Rob Pardo)
#RobertaWilliams (Roberta Williams)
#RobinWard (Robin Ward)
#RodneyGreenblat (Rodney Greenblat)
#RodneyHodge (Rodney Hodge)
#RonGilbert (Ron Gilbert)
#SachaFrenandes (Sacha Fernandes)
#ScottEasley (Scott Easley)
#ScottOrr (Scott Orr)
#SeanHouse (Sean House)
#SethRobinson (Seth Robinson)
#SeumasMcNally (Seumas McNally)
#ShigeruMiyamoto (Shigeru Miyamoto)
#ShinjiMikami (Shinji Mikami)
#SidMeier (Sid Meier)
#SteveMoraff (Steve Moraff)
#StevePolge (Steve Polge)
#StevenCoallier (Steven Coallier)
#StuartDenman (Stuart Denman)
#SusanLewis (Susan Lewis)
#TetsuyaNomura (Tetsuya Nomura)
#TimCain (Tim Cain)
#TimLarkin (Tim Larkin)
#TimSweeny (Tim Sweeny)
#TimWillits (Tim Willits)
#TimothyJStelimach (Timothy J. Stelimach)
#TobyGard (Toby Gard)
#TobySimpson (Toby Simpson)
#ToddJohnson (Todd Johnson)
#TomHall (Tom Hall)
#TommyTallarico (Tommy Tallarico)
#TonyLupidi (Tony Lupidi)
#TrevorChan (Trevor Chan)
#VanceCook (Vance Cook)
#WarrenSpector (Warren Spector)
#WillWright (Will Wright)