Alex Aniel
Itchy, Tasty: An Unofficial History of Resident Evil chronicles the development of Capcom’s popular video game series, from before the release of the 1996 original through the end of 2006.
Alex Aniel spent years interviewing key members of former Capcom staff, allowing him to tell the inside story of how Capcom’s survival horror game franchise was envisioned as early as the late 1980s, how its unexpected and unprecedented success saved Capcom from financial trouble, how it struggled at the turn of the century, and how it was reborn with the 2005 release of Resident Evil 4. It concludes with the large organizational changes that occurred at Capcom in late 2006 that saw the series production shift to a new generation of creators.
Aniel narrates the development of each Resident Evil game released between 1996 and 2006, interspersing commentary from the developers themselves. Aniel offers new information that takes into account Capcom’s situation as a company throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s, the video game industry as a whole, and how being from Japan influenced the viewpoints of the creators.
Features interviews with many key players from the first decade of the Resident Evil series, including: Tokuro Fujiwara, Director of Sweet Home, Executive Producer of Resident Evil (1996) Yoshiki Okamoto, Executive Producer of Resident Evil series through 2003 Noritaka Funamizu, General Producer of Resident Evil series, Producer of Resident Evil: Outbreak Shinji Mikami, Director of Resident Evil (1996 and 2002), Resident Evil 4 Hideki Kamiya, Director of Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry and OKAMI Kazuhiro Aoyama, Director of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Hiroki Kato, Director of Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
English | Hardcover | | 9781783529483 | 2021 | 288 |
French | Hardcover | | 9782371881174 | 2021 | 224 |
French | Hardcover | Biohazard Edition | 9782371881174 | 2021 | 224 |
Spanish | Hardcover | | 9788419084019 | 2022 | 192 |
Russian | Hardcover | | 9785041219055 | 2022 | 320 |
Resident Evil - De l’autre côté du mouroir
Itchy, Tasty - La Historia no Oficial de Resident Evil
Resident Evil. Обитель зла игровой индустрии
Authors/Narrators: #AlexAniel
Publishers: #Bombora (Bombora, Бомбора) #HéroesDePapel (Héroes De Papel) #PixNLove (Pix 'N Love) #Unbound (Unbound)
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: #GeneralHistory #Horror
#Capcom (Capcom)
Public Figures:
#HidekiKamiya (Hideki Kamiya)
#HirokiKato (Hiroki Kato)
#KazuhiroAoyama (Kazuhiro Aoyama)
#KenichiIwao (Kenichi Iwao)
#NoritakaFunamizu (Noritaka Funamizu)
#ShinjiMikami (Shinji Mikami)
#TokuroFujiwara (Tokuro Fujiwara)
#YoshikiOkamoto (Yoshiki Okamoto)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil)