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Adam Lake, Alberto Jaspe, Anders Hast, Anatoli Beliaev, Antonio Seoane, Arnau Ramisa, Ben Garney, Bill Budge, Carlos Dietrich, Chris Lomont, Colt McAnlis, Creto Augusto Vidal, Daniela Gorski Trevisan, David L. Koenig, Diana Stelmack, Dillon Sharlet, Dimitar Lazarov, Dmitry Andreev, Enric Martí, Enric Vergara, Ewert Bengtsson, Gary Snethen, G. Michael Youngblood, Graham Rhodes, Hyun-jik Bae, Iskander Umarov, Jacco Bikker, Javier Taibo, Jeremy Hayes, Joao Dihl, Joaquim Bento Cavalcante-Neto, Jon Watte, Jörn Loviscach, Joshua A. Doss, José Gilvan Rodrigues Maia, Julien Hamaide, Ken Noland, Krzysztof Kluczek, Luciana Nedel, Marcus Aurelius Cordenunsi Farias, Mark France, Mark Jawad, Martin Linklater, Michael Dawe, Michael Delp, Mike Ramsey, Nathan Fabian, Priyesh N. Dixit, Rahul Sathe, Robert (Kirk) DeLisle, Robert Sparks, Scott Jacobs, Stephan Schütze, Steve Rabin, Thomas Jahn, Timothy E. Roden, Tony Barrera, Vitor Fernando Pamplona


Welcome to the seventh volume of the must-have reference series for game developers, Game Programming Gems, the series that helped define the standards for game programming and continues to be an essential source for new, innovative techniques. Game Programming Gems 7 provides the tools and inspiration that game developers need to excel. Featuring cutting-edge, ready-to-use techniques contributed by industry veterans and experts, this new collection is a key resource for inspiration, insight, and a plethora of time-saving, ready-to-use methods for the developer's tool box!

Gems 7 answers the needs of passionate developers, eager newcomers, voracious production requirements, and the demand for innovating and entertaining gameplay. Covering all the key development areas including math and physics, artificial intelligence, audio, and even scripting and data-driven systems, each section is edited by an expert in the field to ensure that the ideas are original, accurate, and useful. There are gems that contribute directly to a player's experience of the game, including audio production gems and human-game interactions. Does your development team include a DBA? Inside you'll find a gem that suggests ways to integrate your object system with a relational database. Recognizing the need for good solutions for managing ever-increasing team sizes and facilitating efficient internal and external communications, there is a networking gem that applies tools to multiplayer development that are common to many network administrators, but may not yet have widespread use in our industry.

Dig into this new volume of useful, practical ideas and techniques and get ready to make games that are more inventive, entertaining, and satisfying!


  • General Programming: optical flow for video games played with webcams, design and implementation of a multi-platform threading engine, deferred function invocation system, advanced debugging techniques.

  • Math and Physics: fast generic ray queries, using projective space to improve precision of geometric computation, complex collision made simple, trigonometric splines.

  • AI: creating interesting agents with behavior cloning, managing AI algorithmic complexity, goal-oriented plan merging, beyond A*: IDA* and fringe search.

  • Audio: audio signal processing using programmable graphics hardware, multistream: the art of writing a next-gen audio engine, real-time audio effects, context-driven, layered mixing.

  • Graphics: advanced particle deposition, high-performance subdivision surfaces, an advanced decal system, art-based rendering with graftal imposters.

  • Networking and Multiplayer: high-level abstraction of game world synchronization, authentication for online games, game network debugging.

  • Scripting and Data-Driven Systems: automatic Lua binding system, dataports, adding shaders to your engine, Python's AST.
















Authors: #AdamLake #AlbertoJaspe #AndersHast #AnatoliBeliaev #AntonioSeoane #ArnauRamisa #BenGarney #BillBudge #CarlosDietrich #ChrisLomont #ColtMcAnlis #CretoAugustoVidal #DanielaGorskiTrevisan #DavidLKoenig #DianaStelmack #DillonSharlet #DimitarLazarov #DmitryAndreev #EnricMartí #EnricVergara #EwertBengtsson #GarySnethen #GMichaelYoungblood #GrahamRhodes #HyunjikBae #IskanderUmarov #JaccoBikker #JavierTaibo #JeremyHayes #JoaoDihl #JoaquimBentoCavalcanteNeto #JonWatte #JörnLoviscach #JoshuaADoss #JoséGilvanRodriguesMaia #JulienHamaide #KenNoland #KrzysztofKluczek #LucianaNedel #MarcusAureliusCordenunsiFarias #MarkFrance #MarkJawad #MartinLinklater #MichaelDawe #MichaelDelp #MikeRamsey #NathanFabian #PriyeshNDixit #RahulSathe #RobertDeLisle #RobertSparks #ScottJacobs #StephanSchütze #SteveRabin #ThomasJahn #TimothyERoden #TonyBarrera #VitorFernandoPamplona

Publishers: #CengageLearning (Cengage Learning)

Languages: #English

Format: #Hardcover

Accessibility: N/A

Year: #Year2008



Public Figures:





#COURSETechnology (COURSE Technology)


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