Cory Schmitz, Ellen McLain, Eric Wolpaw, Jay Pinkerton, Joshua Weier, Karen Prell, Keiichirō Toyama Margaret Robinson, Mike Drucker, Mike Morasky, Molly Mendoza, Phillip Russell, Richard Lord, Sam Byford, Simon Parkin, Tejeev Kohli, Wesley Fenlon
APWOT returns with its fourth issue to open a lushly illustrated portal into the videogames industry and the people and culture that define it. Featuring an extensive interview with members of the Portal 2 team, Silent Hill creator Keiichirō Toyama, Dotemu and many more!
Since its first issue released 2018, A Profound Waste of Time has pioneered a compelling combination of long-form writing and beautiful bespoke illustration. Rather than focusing recent news and reviews, APWOT takes a more timeless approach, examining the influences, processes and broader conversations behind the medium by collaborating with some of the leading game developers, writers and artists in the field.
English | Paperback | Standard Edition | N/A | 2023 | 190 |
English | Paperback | Special Edition | N/A | 2023 | 190 |
A Profound Waste of Time - Volume 4
TAGS Authors: #CorySchmitz #EllenMcLain #EricWolpaw #JayPinkerton #JoshuaWeier #KarenPrell #KeiichirōToyama #MargaretRobinson #MikeDrucker #MikeMorasky #MollyMendoza #PhillipRussell #RichardLord #SamByford #SimonParkin #TejeevKohli #WesleyFenlon Publishers: #SelfPublished (Self Published) Languages: #English Format: #Paperback Accessibility: N/A Year: #Year2023 Genres: #Interviews Companies: #Dotemu (Dotemu)
#Treasure (Treasure) Public Figures: #AkiraKitamura (Akira Kitamura)
#DavidSawyer (David Sawyer)
#EllenMcLain (Ellen McLain)
#EricWolpaw (Eric Wolpaw)
#JayPinkerton (Jay Pinkerton)
#JoshuaWeier (Joshua Weier) #KarenPrell (Karen Prell)
#KeiichirōToyama (Keiichirō Toyama)
#MasatoMaegawa (Masato Maegawa)
#MikeMorasky (Mike Morasky)
#RichardLord (Richard Lord)
#RyutaUeda (Ryuta Ueda)
#TejeevKohli (Tejeev Kohli)
Games: #DarkSouls (Dark Souls)
#EldenRing (Elden Ring)
#FinalFantasy ( #FinalFantasyXV [Final Fantasy 15, FF15, FFXV, Final Fantasy XV])
#Fortnite (Fortnite)
#GravityRush (Gravity Rush)
#GunstarHeroes (Gunstar Heroes) #Ikaruga (Ikaruga)
#JetSetRadio (Jet Set Radio)
#LeagueOfLegends (League of Legends)
#MegaMan (Mega Man)
#Portal (Portal, Portal 2)
#RadiantSilvergun (Radiant Silvergun)
#SilentHill (Silent Hill)
#StreetsOfRage (Streets of Rage 4)
#TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge) Misc: #Accessories (R.O.B. The Robot, NES Power Glove, Game Boy Camera and Printer, Dreamcast Fishing Controller, Gamecube Keyboard Controller, REZ Trance Vibrator, Let’s Tap Cardboard Box, Bowling Ball for Wii, Densha De Go! Kahiro Yamanote Line Switch Controller, Tamagotchi, Mama Mitte Wonder Swan)
#AProfoundWasteofTime (A Profound Waste of Time)