Michael Rymaszewski, Wagner James Au, Cory Ondrejka, Richard Platel, Sara Van Gorden, Jeannette Cézanne, Paul Cézanne, Benjamin Batstone-Cunningham, Aleks Krotoski, Celebrity Trollop, Jim Rossignol
This exclusive guide is your official gateway to Second Life, the wildly popular virtual world now inhabited by more than eight million residents. In this fully revised and updated Second Edition, you'll discover the very latest information about living in Second Life—from how to enter the world, get started, and get around, to the many exciting new ways you can earn real-world incomes, meet other residents, and enjoy all there is to do.
Authored by Second Life experts and featuring contributions from Linden Lab employees and Second Life residents from around the world, this is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to create his or her own reality in Second Life. The book includes:
Avatar appearance: Create your look and find your voice.
Places to go: Take a grand tour of interesting Second Life locales.
Things to do: Enjoy the nightlife, the great places to shop, and the rich variety of SL communities.
People to meet: Who will you be in this wide-open world? Get a taste of the diverse social scene. Meet both famous and infamous residents and read their compelling profiles.
Start building: Create everything from sandals to spaceships, and beyond, thanks to expanded SL technology tools and tons of helpful tips.
Scripting basics: Make your projects move, talk, spin, and more-learn scripting directly from the creator of the Linden Scripting Language.
Create machinima: Learn to storyboard, design, and star in your own productions.
SL economy: Profit from the thriving SL economy and turn L$ into US$.
Learn how to meet and make friends with people from around the world
Experience Second Life's amazing destinations
Get insider tips for such things as managing your unwieldy inventory
On the CD The CD provides textures, avatar templates, animation software, more than a hundred sample animations, machinima created in Second Life, and a host of resources to help Second Life residents, builders, scripters, and animators.
English | Paperback | 2nd Edition | 9780470227756 | 2008 | 416 |
English | Paperback | 1st Edition | 9780470096086 | 2006 | 352 |
German | Paperback | | 9783527703760 | 2007 | 363 |
Portugese | Paperback | | 9788500019616 | 2007 | 349 |
Spanish | Paperback | 9788441523135 | 2008 | 320 |
Second Life: das offizielle Handbuch (German)
Second Life: O Guia Oficial (Portugese)
La guia oficial de Second Life (Spanish)
Authors: #MichaelRymaszewski #WagnerJamesAu #CoryOndrejka #RichardPlatel #SaraVanGorden #JeannetteCézanne #PaulCézanne #BenjaminBatstoneCunningham #AleksKrotoski #CelebrityTrollop #JimRossignol
Languages: #English #German #Portugese #Spanish
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: N/A
#LindenLab (Linden Lab)
Public Figures:
#PhilipRosedale (Philip Rosedale)
#SecondLife (Second Life)
#MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online)
#VirtualWorld (Virtual Worlds)