Adam Arter, Ahraun Chambliss (Translation), Alec Sorensen (Artist), Ali "Xel" Salman, Andrew Dickinson, Antarcticforest (Artist), Audi Sorlie, Bani-Chan (Artist), Beetlerots (Art), Benjamin Hayhoe, Bianca Milanez (Artist), BIGSKYCASTLE (Artist), Breanna Lindsay-Murray, Brody Graham, Chinara (Artist), Chris Holmes, Danny Russell, David Carcasole, Davydd Pattinson, Eileen Kai Hing Kwan (Artist), Eniel (Artist), Enoch Duncan (Artist), Eryk Sawicki, Ethan Hunt, Eurothug4000, Ewan Wilson, Hannah Griffin, iplaygames_64, James Bentley, Jamie Sharp, Janet Garcia, Jason Brown, Jeff Northolt, Jimmy Bowers, John R. Green (Artist), Jonathan Traynor (Artist), Katie Wilson (Artist), Kevin Schimes, Kinky Sketch (Artist), Laurie Eggleston, Luis Melo (Artist) Melanie Ashford, Michael Leopold Weber, Michel Ziegler (Artist), Nate Ellingsworth, Nick Cooney, Olga Baumert (Artist), Patrick Edell, Peeg (Artist), Pepe Reyes (Artist), Phil Summers (Artist), Phoebe Sheehy (Artist), Poopnyeta (Arist), Rami Ismail, Riotbones, Rowen Cameron, Sajan Rai (Artist), Sam McKenzie (Artist), Shaun Hughes, Shy Thompson, Siobhán Casey, Stradomyre (Artist), Tim Van Der Beij, Wing See Li, Yasmin Abedifard (Artist)
This is a premium gaming journal delivering thought-provoking stories, insightful features and carefully curated art from industry talent. The purpose behind this gaming journal is for the preservation of video games and the stories they represent
Lost In Cult is back again to bring you the next quarterly instalment of what has been described as 'the world’s most beautiful gaming journal'. Just like the first volume, Volume 002 will be fit to bursting with incredible features from a variety of accomplished writers, all complemented by more incredible, bespoke artwork from a host of talented artists.
Volume 2 is packed full of incredible art and features:
• Unique long-form features with cultural, artistic, and sociopolitical themes
• Fascinating case-studies into all facets of gaming
• Exclusive interviews with leading industry professionals
• Thematic retrospectives with thoughtful critical analysis
English | Paperback | | TBD | 2021 | 184 |
English | Hardcover | | TBD | 2021 | 184 |
Authors: #AdamArter #AhraunChambliss #AlecSorensen #AliSalman #AndrewDickinson #Antarcticforest #AudiSorlie #BaniChan #Beetlerots #BenjaminHayhoe #BiancaMilanez #BIGSKYCASTLE #BreannaLindsayMurray #BrodyGraham #Chinara #ChrisHolmes #DannyRussell #DavidCarcasole, #DavyddPattinson #EileenKaiHingKwan #Eniel #EnochDuncan #ErykSawicki #EthanHunt #Eurothug4000 #EwanWilson #HannahGriffin #iplaygames64 #JamesBentley #JamieSharp #JanetGarcia #JasonBrown #JeffNortholt #JimmyBowers #JohnRGreen #JonathanTraynor #KatieWilson #KevinSchimes #KinkySketch #LaurieEggleston #LuisMelo #MelanieAshford #MichaelLeopoldWeber #MichelZiegler #NateEllingsworth #NickCooney #OlgaBaumert #PatrickEdell #Peeg #PepeReyes #PhilSummers #PhoebeSheehy #Poopnyeta #RamiIsmail #Riotbones #RowenCameron #SajanRai #SamMcKenzie #ShaunHughes #ShyThompson #SiobhánCasey #Stradomyre #TimVanDerBeij #WingSeeLi #YasminAbedifard
Publishers: #LostInCult (Lost In Cult)
Languages: #English
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2021
#CapybaraGames (Capybara Games)
#Rockstar (Rockstar Games)
Public Figures:
#KeitaTakahashi (Keita Takahashi [高橋 慶太])
#SUDA51 (SUDA51)
#YokoTaro (Yoko Taro [横尾 太郎])
#Cyberpunk2077 (Cyberpunk 2077)
#DistasterDayOfCrisis (Disaster: Day of Crisis)
#EarthDefenseForce (Earth Defense Force 2017)
#FinalFantasy (#FinalFantasyIX [Final Fantasy 9, FF9, FFIX, Final Fantasy IX])
#GeometryWars (Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved)
#Grandia (Grandia)
#Grindstone (Grindstone)
#HollowKnight (Hollow Knight)
#Inside (Playdead's Inside)
#JakAndDaxter (Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy)
#Katamari (Katamari Damacy)
#MegamiTensei (#Persona [Persona 5])
#Mundaun (Mundaun)
#NieR (NieR, NieR: Automata)
#NoMoreHeroes (No More Heroes)
#ParasiteEve (Parasite Eve II)
#RatchetAndClank (Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet: Deadlocked [Ratchet: Gladiator], Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil VII, Resident Evil: The Village)
#Returnal (Returnal)
#Spiritfarer (Spiritfarer)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)